Event Calendar
Let us know what events interest you.
We look forward to seeing you in person very soon. Check back for more information on upcoming events and gala.
Past Community Fundraisers:
DWHSF Crawfish Fundraiser good food, great music and a wonderful cause...............
Firefighters Golf League Fundraiser ........
Fund-themed galas
In 25 years, we have given 6,000+ scholarships totaling over $4 million
Thank you to all Our Donors!
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Attend Fundraisers
2023© Dennis W. Holder Scholarship Fund. All rights reserved.
Scholarships to Children
of Firefighters since1998
Mailing address: P.O. Box 455, Humble, TX 77347
Physical address: 4225 Interwood North Parkway, Houston, TX 77032
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Information call us
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